Educational Materials

As part of the nationwide effort, Walking with Moms in Need, the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities will be providing educational materials to help the Faithful reflect on the teachings of Evangelium vitae, Evangelii gaudium, and Laudato si'. The provided materials can be used to help Catholics better understand the Gospel call to go to the peripheries and bring hope and help to those in need. These materials can be printed and reproduced provided these reproduction guidelines are followed.
Materials continue to be added to this page as they are available.

Called to Serve Moms in Need
Inspired by our Blessed Mother's witness in the Visitation, this short reflection connects our personal call as Christians to live out the corporal and spiritual works of mercy with care for moms and respect for life.
(Approximately 445 words.)

The Gospel of Life: A Brief Summary
A two-page summary of Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life) that highlights the key themes and teachings of this prophetic document. (Approximately 940 words.)

Pope St. John Paul II's Challenge to Our Church:
The Inspiration for Walking with Moms in Need
A two-page explanation of Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life) as inspiration for Walking with Moms in Need. (Approximately 960 words.)
Available to download in both English and Spanish, as a PDF or Word document.

Living the Joy of the Gospel
A two-page summary of Pope Francis' encyclical Evangelii gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) that explores our Christian call to evangelization and missionary discipleship.
(Approximately 870 words.)
Available to download in both English and Spanish, as a PDF.
The Gospel of Life

The Gospel of Life: Study Guide
This study guide was developed for use either with the “The Gospel of Life: Compendium” or with the full encyclical text. The study guide provides scriptural reflections, prayers, and discussion questions to help readers reflect more deeply on The Gospel of Life. While specifically designed to help facilitate small or large group studies, individuals can also use this tool on their own to increase their understanding of the text and make real-life connections.

The Gospel of Life: Compendium
A condensed version of the landmark encyclical Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life). This thorough summary makes Pope St. John Paul II’s prophetic writing more concise and easier to understand for those looking to deepen their understanding of the Church’s beautiful teachings on the sacredness of human life. An introductory foreword provides background and context to help readers better understand The Gospel of Life.